What the fug is wrong with people in the world today?
Are some people so effing thick that they purposely open their mouth to piss others off, or are they just that ignorant that they think their opinion is really the best?
To be or not to be a douche... that is the question.
When will we as a global society ever leave the sewers, get up onto our two feet, grow a pair and start getting rid of those who don't know the simple act of right and wrong?
I'm not talking about those mentally incapable of knowing right and wrong thanks to chemical imbalances in the brain, I'm talking about people so out of touch with moral decency that it's an embarrassment to be near them.
I'm talking about Osaka Mayor and Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Restoration Party) co-leader Hashimoto Toru (surname first) who this week has come out his own torture chamber cell to tell the world that he thinks that Japan's need for comfort women during World War II was necessary. He also mentioned something about having legalized brothels for US military personnel on Okinawa.
Legalized prostitution for a military charged with protecting Japan - on one hand - versus forced sex slaves for a military that was aggressively trying to make itself the absolute ruler of Asia, on the other hand.
Maybe the most important thing to ask here is why Japan continues to elect dumbass mothereffers to its political offices?
I know not all Japanese politicians are asses - I know a few who seem like decent human beings.
Now... in Japan, to their credit, many politicians in the ruling and opposition parties think Hashimoto is a dick and are attempting to distance themselves from him, as there is great concern that his comments will cause a backlash for the Nippon Ishin party that will take down them down during the upcoming Upper House elections.
You'll notice that the concern for those comments, is still self-serving.
Speaking of self-serving... despite Prime Minister Abe Shinzo (surname first) believing in Japanese nationalism, he says that his ruling party - the Liberal Democratic Party - has a different view on sex slaves than the Osaka mayor, who says that the comfort women issue was settled in a 1965 treaty with South Korea.
Hashimoto - more than once this past week - has said that while the forced sex slaves (comfort women) underwent much pain and suffering, and that Japan needed to reflect on what it did - but adds that the comfort women system was necessary needs to be understood within the context of the times.
"I did not say that the comfort women system was necessary today. If the Second World War were to occur now, (a similar system) probably wouldn’t be enacted, and nobody would approve of the kind of comfort women system Japan had back then," he says.
He is correct in saying that no one in Japan would approve of such a thing, but I wonder if the average person in Japan knew about the comfort woman set-up during WWII would have approved of it - on the grounds of common decency?
We have to respect the context of WWII and accept that the behavior of Japan was appropriate during WWII?
No we don't!
Japan like Nazi Germany performed many barbarous acts. Since when is rape and acceptable act?
Look... Genghis Khan raped and pillaged his way across Asia. He was a great warrior - true... but does that man that the slaughter of innocents was a correct act? No.
Just because Japan needed to perform upkeep on the morale of its military during WWII, and did so by allowing its soldiers to screw sex slaves, does that make it right during a war? No fricking way!
It's called a war crime... and every single person who aided and abetted and took part in the humiliation of comfort women should have been suitably punished a long time ago.
Anyone believing that just because Japan apologized via a treaty 50 years ago, that it is okay to say that the times or era justified the actions is so out of touch with reality, it's not even funny.
It's like saying I had a loaded gun in my person when I robbed a bank, so I had the right to shoot people.
Now... Hashimoto does provide a caveat...
"During the Korean and Vietnam wars, local women were recruited by the U.S. as prostitutes for the military, although official U.S. policy was that the women and men were acting on their own," Hashimoto explains.
Official US policy says the men were acting on their own. Uh-huh.
Look... it has come out that the US while in Vietnam, had pockets of military personnel go above and beyond standard war efforts and performed some horrific war crimes of their own against the local population.
And... just because they did - regardless of context, or that era in time - it doesn't mean they were right. They were wrong.
Japan was wrong.
Maybe something was lost in the translation, but: earlier this month, Hashimoto told American reps in Okinawa that perhaps that U.S. military personnel there should make more use of sex establishments as a way of controlling their sexual urges.
Now, Hashimoto says that he did not TELL the U.S. that it should use such facilities, or to build such facilities, but he did say it was a SUGGESTION.
Oh, Hashimoto-san... semantics. Your suggestion implies that it is a good idea. I realize that by suggesting something you aren't saying it should be done, only that you would not be offended if the US took your advice.
Sexual urges. People have sexual urges everyday, and I believe that the vast majority of us do not act on them for fear of what society would think of us. Hell... you don't even want to know how many times I saw a woman and said - hey, I'd like to have sex with her... but you know what? I don't act on those urges. I don't have to go out and rape anyone. I don't need to visit my local brothel where there are forcibly confined women just to get my rocks off (thank you internet porn). And, I don't even need a brothel where the women are NOT forced into prostitution.
I've been to Holland. I've been to Reno, Nevada in the US. And you know what... just because something is legalized (prostitution), I still don't have to make use of it.
Hashimoto-san... I believe you have the right - as does any person in the world - to offer an opinion, to say what is on their mind... and while it is YOUR opinion, and thus always correct, you can still be wrong.
You, sir, are wrong.
I have dated women in the sex-trade industry here in Canada. And when I say dated, I mean I have gone out to dinner, slept with them and NOT had to pay them money. I'm no prude.Do I think that their chosen profession was a safe one? No. But all of these women chose that profession. They weren't forced into it.
Some believe they are - I'm broke. If that was their reason - shut the eff up and go work at McDonalds.
The women I knew - they had a plan, and executed it to near perfection. It's just sex.
But forced prostitution... that's sex for the guy doing the raping... but not for the women having it forced upon her. I'm pretty sure that having someone draft a treaty relating to your forced role as a sex slave for hundreds of Japanese soldiers isn't really going to do much for one's health and welfare - physically, emotionally or mentally. I'm going to opine that it was scarring.
And to have some douche say that the comfort women were necessary isn't quite in touch with reality.
And what the fug is he doing opining about this topic anyway? Maybe the US needs to get a tighter lid on its personnel in Japan - true. Before Christmas, I was in rapid conversation with a US military officer in the Middle East. We both shook our collective head at the misdeeds of soldiers... and even though one incident is one too many, it's not the whole freaking military that is getting drunk and causing mayhem. It was a few people.
By that same token - not every Japanese soldier partook of the comfort women services offered. Many did. Many more did not.
By that same token - not every Japanese politician thinks the way Hashimoto does... Many do, I am sure, but most do not.
Seriously... what if some other Asian country - oh. let's say China invades Japan and conquers it. Would Hashimoto be okay with China forcible using Japanese women - says his family members as forced sex slaves for its soldiers?
No? Because it's 2013?It's all about perspective, of which Hashimoto clearly does not have the right one.
Whatever. Japan... I'm thinking you guys need to do a better job of electing people who actually are politically savvy. No more idiots, please.
Man... this guy's comments really piss me off.
Andrew Joseph
Are some people so effing thick that they purposely open their mouth to piss others off, or are they just that ignorant that they think their opinion is really the best?
To be or not to be a douche... that is the question.
When will we as a global society ever leave the sewers, get up onto our two feet, grow a pair and start getting rid of those who don't know the simple act of right and wrong?
I'm not talking about those mentally incapable of knowing right and wrong thanks to chemical imbalances in the brain, I'm talking about people so out of touch with moral decency that it's an embarrassment to be near them.
I'm talking about Osaka Mayor and Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Restoration Party) co-leader Hashimoto Toru (surname first) who this week has come out his own torture chamber cell to tell the world that he thinks that Japan's need for comfort women during World War II was necessary. He also mentioned something about having legalized brothels for US military personnel on Okinawa.
Legalized prostitution for a military charged with protecting Japan - on one hand - versus forced sex slaves for a military that was aggressively trying to make itself the absolute ruler of Asia, on the other hand.
Maybe the most important thing to ask here is why Japan continues to elect dumbass mothereffers to its political offices?
I know not all Japanese politicians are asses - I know a few who seem like decent human beings.
Now... in Japan, to their credit, many politicians in the ruling and opposition parties think Hashimoto is a dick and are attempting to distance themselves from him, as there is great concern that his comments will cause a backlash for the Nippon Ishin party that will take down them down during the upcoming Upper House elections.
You'll notice that the concern for those comments, is still self-serving.
Speaking of self-serving... despite Prime Minister Abe Shinzo (surname first) believing in Japanese nationalism, he says that his ruling party - the Liberal Democratic Party - has a different view on sex slaves than the Osaka mayor, who says that the comfort women issue was settled in a 1965 treaty with South Korea.
Hashimoto - more than once this past week - has said that while the forced sex slaves (comfort women) underwent much pain and suffering, and that Japan needed to reflect on what it did - but adds that the comfort women system was necessary needs to be understood within the context of the times.
"I did not say that the comfort women system was necessary today. If the Second World War were to occur now, (a similar system) probably wouldn’t be enacted, and nobody would approve of the kind of comfort women system Japan had back then," he says.
He is correct in saying that no one in Japan would approve of such a thing, but I wonder if the average person in Japan knew about the comfort woman set-up during WWII would have approved of it - on the grounds of common decency?
We have to respect the context of WWII and accept that the behavior of Japan was appropriate during WWII?
No we don't!
Japan like Nazi Germany performed many barbarous acts. Since when is rape and acceptable act?
Look... Genghis Khan raped and pillaged his way across Asia. He was a great warrior - true... but does that man that the slaughter of innocents was a correct act? No.
Just because Japan needed to perform upkeep on the morale of its military during WWII, and did so by allowing its soldiers to screw sex slaves, does that make it right during a war? No fricking way!
It's called a war crime... and every single person who aided and abetted and took part in the humiliation of comfort women should have been suitably punished a long time ago.
Anyone believing that just because Japan apologized via a treaty 50 years ago, that it is okay to say that the times or era justified the actions is so out of touch with reality, it's not even funny.
It's like saying I had a loaded gun in my person when I robbed a bank, so I had the right to shoot people.
Now... Hashimoto does provide a caveat...
"During the Korean and Vietnam wars, local women were recruited by the U.S. as prostitutes for the military, although official U.S. policy was that the women and men were acting on their own," Hashimoto explains.
Official US policy says the men were acting on their own. Uh-huh.
Look... it has come out that the US while in Vietnam, had pockets of military personnel go above and beyond standard war efforts and performed some horrific war crimes of their own against the local population.
And... just because they did - regardless of context, or that era in time - it doesn't mean they were right. They were wrong.
Japan was wrong.
Maybe something was lost in the translation, but: earlier this month, Hashimoto told American reps in Okinawa that perhaps that U.S. military personnel there should make more use of sex establishments as a way of controlling their sexual urges.
Now, Hashimoto says that he did not TELL the U.S. that it should use such facilities, or to build such facilities, but he did say it was a SUGGESTION.
Oh, Hashimoto-san... semantics. Your suggestion implies that it is a good idea. I realize that by suggesting something you aren't saying it should be done, only that you would not be offended if the US took your advice.
Sexual urges. People have sexual urges everyday, and I believe that the vast majority of us do not act on them for fear of what society would think of us. Hell... you don't even want to know how many times I saw a woman and said - hey, I'd like to have sex with her... but you know what? I don't act on those urges. I don't have to go out and rape anyone. I don't need to visit my local brothel where there are forcibly confined women just to get my rocks off (thank you internet porn). And, I don't even need a brothel where the women are NOT forced into prostitution.
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During interviews for a sexretary, I would grab onto her tits and force her back against the wall... |
I've been to Holland. I've been to Reno, Nevada in the US. And you know what... just because something is legalized (prostitution), I still don't have to make use of it.
Hashimoto-san... I believe you have the right - as does any person in the world - to offer an opinion, to say what is on their mind... and while it is YOUR opinion, and thus always correct, you can still be wrong.
You, sir, are wrong.
I have dated women in the sex-trade industry here in Canada. And when I say dated, I mean I have gone out to dinner, slept with them and NOT had to pay them money. I'm no prude.Do I think that their chosen profession was a safe one? No. But all of these women chose that profession. They weren't forced into it.
Some believe they are - I'm broke. If that was their reason - shut the eff up and go work at McDonalds.
The women I knew - they had a plan, and executed it to near perfection. It's just sex.
But forced prostitution... that's sex for the guy doing the raping... but not for the women having it forced upon her. I'm pretty sure that having someone draft a treaty relating to your forced role as a sex slave for hundreds of Japanese soldiers isn't really going to do much for one's health and welfare - physically, emotionally or mentally. I'm going to opine that it was scarring.
And to have some douche say that the comfort women were necessary isn't quite in touch with reality.
And what the fug is he doing opining about this topic anyway? Maybe the US needs to get a tighter lid on its personnel in Japan - true. Before Christmas, I was in rapid conversation with a US military officer in the Middle East. We both shook our collective head at the misdeeds of soldiers... and even though one incident is one too many, it's not the whole freaking military that is getting drunk and causing mayhem. It was a few people.
By that same token - not every Japanese soldier partook of the comfort women services offered. Many did. Many more did not.
By that same token - not every Japanese politician thinks the way Hashimoto does... Many do, I am sure, but most do not.
Seriously... what if some other Asian country - oh. let's say China invades Japan and conquers it. Would Hashimoto be okay with China forcible using Japanese women - says his family members as forced sex slaves for its soldiers?
No? Because it's 2013?It's all about perspective, of which Hashimoto clearly does not have the right one.
Whatever. Japan... I'm thinking you guys need to do a better job of electing people who actually are politically savvy. No more idiots, please.
Man... this guy's comments really piss me off.
Andrew Joseph
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